Products and Services


Brenda's Spinning Spools provides a variety of embroidery services for individuals and business and some products, at cost, such as baseballs - both hardballs and softballs. It is preferred if the items to be embroidered are supplied and washed by the customer due to sizing and quality issues. Garments require washing due to shrinkage. Supply and washing of garments can be negotiated.

Below are some of the items that have been provided.

Commemorative and memorial baseballs:
Birth ball with name, birthdate, time, length and weight. Graphic can be added if there is room or to replace some of the data. Can provide a softball (white or yellow) or hardball. (click to enlarge)
Wedding hankies. (clickto enlarge)
Memorial pillows from items worn by the person or their favorite item.
(Click to enlarge)
Ball cap - Snap-on requested by Snap-on supplier
Jacket with business logo
T-towels customized with designs and messages or words of your selection
Pot holders
Kerchiefs for dogs

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